You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Program > Edit - Program - Inventory > Editing the Free Stock Calculation Method
Editing the Free Stock Calculation Method

You can select what types of stock Micronet includes in the Free Stock Calculation during order entry, purchase order creation, sales inquiries, inventory adjustments and paperless picking when multi bins have been enabled.

  1. Display the Inventory Configuration screen.

Refer to "Edit - Program - Inventory".

  1. Select the browse button (…) next to the Free Stock Calculation field that you want to change.

Micronet displays the Get Free Stock Calculation screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Check the boxes for the values you want added to the stock on hand quantity in calculating the free stock quantity.


On Purchase Order

Item quantities on purchase orders.


On Purchase Order Allocation

Item quantities on purchase orders that have already been allocated to invoices, backorders, MJC jobs, etc.

You can only select one of On Purchase Order or On Purchase Order Allocation.


On Manufacture

Item quantities that are currently being manufactured.


On Inbound Transfer

Item quantities that are in the process of being transferred to your warehouse from another warehouse.


and then Subtracts

Check the boxes for the values you want subtracted from the stock on hand quantity in calculating the free stock quantity.


On Hold

All item quantities on saved invoices, picking slips, batched invoices, POS dockets and transfers out of your warehouse.

If you only want to exclude specific held item quantities from the free stock calculation, uncheck the On Hold box and check the boxes for one or more of the following:

  • On Held Invoice - item quantities on invoices that have been saved but not posted
  • On Slip - item quantities on picking slips
  • On Batched Invoice - item quantities on batched invoices
  • On POS Docket - item quantities on POS dockets
  • On Stock Transfer - item quantities in the process of being transferred from your warehouse to another warehouse.


On Backorder

Item quantities on backorder.


On BO Allocation

Item quantities that have been pre-allocated to backorders.

You can only select one of On Backorder or On BO Allocation.


On Job/Kit Hold

Item quantities included in MJC jobs or kits that have been saved but not posted.


On Completed Paperless

Item quantities on picking slips that have been sent electronically to PDAs.

  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Inventory Configuration screen.